Monday, January 21, 2013

Pic of the Week: 08.28.11

Shot of the week for the week of 08.28.11
Taken 09.02.11
on my grandmother's 75th birthday

Yes, I do mean 2011, and I do know that it's 2013. I just figure I might as well finish that year out since I started it, right? Right.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Leading up to Cadence: Announcements

When a baby is on the way, there are people to tell, announcements to be made.
Here are a few of the ways we let the people we love know that something special was coming.

"One, two, three! Say, 'Joy's PREGNANT!!'"

On April Fools Day, this went up on facebook. No one thought it was a joke!

During our anatomy scan we asked the doctor the write the gender on a notecard and seal the envelope. We then gave the envelope to my aunt who baked a cake for my grandfather's birthday. We asked for red velvet for a girl and blue velvet for a boy.

And red velvet it is!

After that, there aren't any announcements to be made except when the baby is coming/has arrived. For that, we borrowed from Juno and sent out a mass "Thundercats are GO!" text to family (though really, it should be "Thundercats, HO!", right?). Once she made her appearance, we didn't need to do anything. Everyone spread the news for us. :-)

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Oh, Why Hello There!

It's been a long time, hasn't it? I promise I have a good reason for my absence. You see, last year we sold our condo and moved...

and then in September this happened.

This is Cadence Ariadne.

So, yes, life has been a little busy lately. 

Then randomly one day I opened my blog, and I realized how much I missed documenting everything in one place. I loved looking back at all my mini posts and was amazed at how much even just the weekly photos had served as a journal of my life. 

And so, since I have something more important than my own life to document, I'm going to get back on it. Let's see how this goes.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Pic of the Week: 08.21.11

Shot of the week for the week of 08.21.11
Taken 08.21.11

Big brother's birthday lunch.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pic of the Week: 08.14.11

Shot of the week for the week of 08.14.11

Lavender, at dusk, in the wind.
It was dark and super windy, but I was determined to get a shot of this lavender bush for some inexplicable reason. I ended up with a bunch of dark, grainy photos with correct but not super sharp focus. Oh well, they still came out kind of pretty.