For example, did you know that I had a workout video blog? Yea...that died. I actually tried out a lot more videos than I actualy wrote reviews for, but after a while, I got lazy again and stopped working out. I may pick that one up just to finish reviewing the videos I actually tried...maybe. Anyone interested in the video reviews? I tried everything listed in the "Upcoming Challenges" plus a few yoga DVDs and a bahgra video (can you say cardio? whooo!). Now that I'm counting, I tried out 10 different workouts. I only needed two more to finish the challenge. Wow. I'm lame.
I even had a wedding planning blog that I wrote consistently throughout wedding planning. I had readership and comments and subscribers and everything. I left them all hanging on the wedding recap, of course.
Anyway, that's not what this post is about. This post is about my most recent failed, self-imposed challenge--a Project 365. Sometime around the end of May this year I had the random idea to try to shoot and post at least one picture a day for 365 days. I thought, "Hey, I take a lot of pictures. I should do one of those 365 thingies on Flickr." Did you read the title of this post? Uh huh. I failed. No excuses. I forgot to take a picture one day...and then another day...and so on until now, we're here.
I don't think I'm going to pick up the 365 again anytime soon. My set was sad. One day, I took a picture of my shoes. No joke. See for yourself. Also, there was a shot of A's hair. Yes, there was. So sad.
There are a few that I'm proud of, though. Like this shoe shot...

these cute little toes...
and my favorite Southwest shot...
Looking back at those made me realize that the point of doing a Project 365 wasn't just to take a picture every day and say, "Yay! I did it!" (though, for me, that would be an accomplishment). The point was to practice. If I practiced photography everyday, I would get better, and that's what I wanted.
I want to practice. I want to improve. I want someone to be accountable to! That someone is you. :-)
On this blog, I will post a Picture of the Week. One picture per week. Not too hard, right? It might be my favorite shot of the week, or it might just be a shot that best describes the happenings of that week. I may go back and post some of my favorite shots from weeks past, but for now, I'll simply try to move forward and post a picture from the current week. I'll post it here and link it on Facebook. Promise. Now hold me to it.
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